The first book of the Jean Monnet Chair titled “EU Migration Governance: Budgeting and Spending in times of crisis as seen by the European Court of Auditors” has been published

The first book of the Jean Monnet Chair "EU Budgetary Governance and Audit" has been published by the University of Macedonia Press, with the title EU Migration Governance: Budgeting and Spending in times of crisis, as seen by the European Court of Auditors. It entails an analysis of the EU Migration Policy during the period 2010-2020, based on the use of the relevant resources, as this use has been examined by the European Court of Auditors, and the conclusions that can be reached by the formulation and implementation of the policy, with regard to the governance model of the EU. The Jean Monnet Chair would like to thank the staff of the University of Macedonia Press for an exceptional cooperation.