On the 31.12.2020, following the four-month extension granted by the European Commission due to the conditions caused by the corona virus pandemic, the three-year funding period (2017-2020) of the Jean Monnet Chair “Budgetary Governance of the EU and Audit” at the Department of the European and International Studies/University of Macedonia ended. During this period the Chair developed a series of educational, research and information initiatives, aiming at the promotion of studies in the field of the European Union, with a particular focus on the aspects referring to the budgetary governance of the Union and the audit procedures established and implemented in order to safeguard the sound management of the money of the European citizens, as this management is undertaken by the EU institutions and bodies. The completion of the Chair’s funding period is marked by the publication of the Chair’s fifth book, titled “A Jean Monnet Experience in the University of Macedonia”, by the always efficient UOM Press. This book is a brief account of the Chair’s activities during the period 2017-2020, highlighting both the dynamic of the Jean Monnet actions in the education process and the constantly increasing interest of the academic community (and especially the student population) in the issues regarding the European Union. The Jean Monnet Chair will continue its activities following the completion of the funding period as it is the belief of the Chairholder, Professor Dimitrios Skiadas, that learning is the most significant investment of a person to one’s self, and that initiatives, such as the Chair, constitute successful learning schemes.