The Jean Monnet Chair “EU Budgetary Governance and Control” of the University of Macedonia participated on 2.7.2019, with a presentation by its holder, Professor Dim. Skiadas, in the Summer Seminar «The challenges for the European Societies» organized within the framework of the Jean Monnet project EUVAdis of the University of Macedonia. The presentation was titled «Budgetary Challenges for the EU in view of the 2021-2027 programming period» and it entailed an analysis of the procedural and substantive challenges identified during the negotiations of the contents of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027, emphasizing on the budgetary and substantive contents of the choices proposed. Particular attention was paid to the role of the European Parliament in the process, its time frame, and to issues such s the EU own resources, the EU expenditure for the Common Agricultural Policy, the Cohesion Policy, the promotion of the rule of law and the initiative for better law-making in the EU.
Download Prof. D. Skiadas presentation here