Newsletter – December 2018

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This Newsletter first refers to the Annual Report of the European Court of Auditors (ECA) for the financial year 2017, in the preface of which the President of the Court, Mr. Klaus-Heiner Lehne underlined that the EU should set more realistic goals. Additionally, hereunto is presented the content of the ECA's Landscape Review entitled "How EU law applies in practice: The European Commission's oversight powers under Article 17 (1) of the Treaty on European Union", the starting point of which is that the main role of the EC, as an authority vigilant for the EU's interest, is to oversee the application of EU law by Member States. Subsequently, the Newsletter explains ECA's Opinion no. 8/2018 on the amendment of Regulation (EU, Euratom) no. 883/2013 regarding the cooperation with the European Public Prosecutor's Office and the effectiveness of OLAF investigations, as well as ECA's Opinion no. 9/2018 on a draft regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment of the EU Anti-Fraud Program. Furthermore, the Newsletter presents the Chair's participation in the 3rd Summer School for the EU in the field of Freedom, Security and Justice held by the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence of the University of Macedonia (31/8-4/9). The Chair’s research activities in matters of governance, both at national and European level, was further promoted through its participation in the 1st Panhellenic Conference of Public Governance organized by the Department of Public Administration of Panteion University on 31/10 - 1 / 11 2018. The strong scientific activity of the Chair was once more apparent through its active participation in the discussion on the future of Europe at the 46th General Assembly of the Conference of Peripheral and Maritime Regions (CPMR) in Madeira, Portugal, during which a presentation by the Chair on the role of the Regions in EU’s Governance was made. Furthermore, the Chair and the organization "European Expression" held a joint conference regarding "Europe after the May 2019 European elections" on 12.12 in Athens. Last but not least, the Chair participated in the 2nd workshop entitled "The Impact of Migration in Europe: Governance Responses to mass migration and refugees" organized by the School of Social Humanities and Arts of the University of Macedonia and the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy of the University of Erfurt on 14-15.12.2018, in Thessaloniki, within the framework of the inter-university dialogue between Greece and Germany, while at the same time it is noteworthy that the Chair’s first guest lecture took place, with Mrs. Eleftheria Ftaklaki, from the Region of South Aegean and the University of Aegean delivering a speech in the topic "EU Financing and Budgetary Governance on the EU’s External Relations".

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