The Jean Monnet Chair “EU Budgetary Governance and Control” of the University of Macedonia participated to the summer school “European Governance, Migration and Citizenship”, organized by the Jean Monnet Network GovUNet (hosted by the University of Aegean), with a presentation by its holder, Professor Dim. Skiadas, on the topic “Decision Making and Budgeting in the EU: The Game of Thrones in European Governance”. In the presentation, the relevant analysis entailed the EU institutional framework, the decision making procedures at legislative and normative level, the comitology procedure, the budgetary and discharge procedures, as well as the ongoing netiotiations about the Multiannual Financial Framework for the 2021-2027 programming period, highlighting the conflicts of powers and interests amongst the various actors, at EU level (institutions, member states, civic society, businesses, individuals, etc). Download Prof. D. Skiadas presentation