
22 April 2024

Conference «Europe, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development Forum of Rhodes» (EESD Forum)

The Jean Monnet Chair “EU Budgetary Governance and Audit” of the University ofMacedonia, in the framework of the implementation of the Jean Monnet Module EUANTIUFRAUD, participated […]
22 April 2024

Συνέδριο Europe, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development Forum of Rhodes (EESDForum)

H Έδρα Jean Monnet “EU Budgetary Governance and Audit” του Παν/μιου Μακεδονίας, στο πλαίσιο της υλοποίησης του Jean Monnet Module ΕU ANTIUFRAUD συμμετείχε στο συνέδριο Europe, […]
30 December 2023

Εκδήλωση με θέμα “Σύγχρονες αντιλήψεις για την καταπολέμηση της διαφθοράς”

Μεγάλη συμμετοχή (τόσο δια ζώσης όσο και διαδικτυακά) στην εκδήλωση που συνδιοργάνωσαν, στο πλαίσιο του εορτασμού της Διεθνούς Ημέρας κατά της Διαφθοράς (9 Δεκεμβρίου), η Έδρα Jean […]
30 December 2023

Conference on “The modern perceptions on anti-corruption”

Great participation (both in person and online) in the event co-organized, in the context of the celebration of the International Anti-Corruption Day (9th of December), by […]
20 November 2023

Webinar on “Whistleblowing: Are You Ready to comply with the EU Directive? in the context of the International Fraud Awareness Week 2023 organized globally by ACFE.

Great success and participation was recorded in the webinar on “Whistleblowing: Are You Ready to comply with the EU Directive?” organized on Thursday, 16.11.2023, by TGS […]
20 November 2023

Η Έδρα Jean Monnet συμμετείχε στo σεμινάριο Whistleblowing: Are You Ready to comply with the EU Directive? στο πλαίσιο της International Fraud Awareness Week 2023 που διοργανώνει σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο η ACFE.

Μεγάλη επιτυχία και συμμετοχή καταγράφηκε στο διαδικτυακό σεμινάριο (webinar) με θέμα «Whistleblowing: Are You Ready to comply with the EU Directive?» που διοργάνωσε την Πέμπτη, 16.11.2023, η TGS HELLAS με τη συνεργασία της Έδρας Jean Monnet «Δημοσιονομική Διακυβέρνηση της ΕΕ και Έλεγχος», στο πλαίσιο της International Fraud Awareness Week 2023 που διοργανώνει σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο η ACFE. Με συγκεκριμένες παρουσιάσεις αναλύθηκε η υποχρέωση των δημόσιων και ιδιωτικών φορέων που απασχολούν πάνω από 50 υπαλλήλους να καθιερώσουν σύστημα προστασίας προσώπων που αναφέρουν παραβιάσεις ενωσιακού δικαίου (EU […]
9 August 2023

Event of the European Economic & Social Committee (EESC) on the challenges of EU Cohesion Policy, in Brussels.

Participation of the Chair holder , Professor Dim. Skiadas, on 17.7.2023 and 18.7.2023, with presentations at two events of the European Economic & Social Committee (EESC) […]
9 August 2023

Visit of Department of International and European Studies students to CEDEFOP

Visit on 12.7.2023 with Department of International and European Studies students to CEDEFOP and informing them about its operation.
9 August 2023

The Jean Monnet Chair participated in the proceedings of the ACFE Greece-Anti-Fraud Institute Annual Conference entitled “Back to Basics”, in Athens.

On 27.6.2023, Professor Dim. Skiadas, holder of the Chair, participated in the proceedings of the Annual Conference of ACFE Greece-Anti-Fraud Institute entitled “Back to Basics”, in […]
9 August 2023

The Jean Monnet Chair participated in the Summer School Human Rights Law, Policy and Practice: Britain, Greece and the EU, which organized the Study in Greece together with Goldsmiths University (London), Harokopio University, Panteio University, University of Macedonia and University of Economics and Business in Athens ( 25.6-1.7.2023)

On 26.6.2023, Professor Dim. Skiadas, holder of the Chair, participated in the Summer School Human Rights Law, Policy and Practice: Britain, Greece and the EU, which […]
6 June 2023

Members of the Thessaloniki Advocacy Committee of the Institute of Internal Auditors delivered the 3rd Jean Monnet Chair Guest Lecture for 2023

The Jean Monnet Chair “EU Budgetary Governance and Audit” of the Department of International and European Studies at the University of Macedonia, within the Jean Monnet […]
6 June 2023

Dr. Juergen Siebel, Director of Cedefop (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training), delivered the 2nd Jean Monnet Chair Guest Lecture for 2023

The Jean Monnet Chair “EU Budgetary Governance and Audit” of the Department of International and European Studies at the University of Macedonia, within the Jean Monnet […]
21 January 2023

Ms. Mara Brugia, Deputy Director of Cedefop (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training), delivered the 1st Jean Monnet Chair Guest Lecture for 2023

The new year has started quickly for the Jean Monnet Chair “EU Budgetary Governance & Audit” at the University of Macedonia. On 16.1.2023, in the context […]
12 September 2022

Jean Monnet Chair Guest Lecture Series “EU Budgetary Governance and Audit”

The lecture series organised by the Jean Monnet Chair “EU Budgetary Governance and Audit” of the Department of International and European Studies at the University of […]
23 May 2022

Ms. Mara Brugia, Deputy Director of Cedefop (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training), delivered the 1st Jean Monnet Chair Guest Lecture for 2022

The Jean Monnet Chair “EU Budgetary Governance & Audit” of the Department of International & European Studies of the University of Macedonia, organized on 20.1.2022 , […]
15 November 2021

The Jean Monnet Chair, as a partner at the ACFE Anti-Fraud Education Partnership, participates in the dissemination and information activities against fraud, within the framework of the Fraud Awareness Week 2021(14-20 November 2021)

7 March 2021

The Jean Monnet Chair participated, on March 5th & 6th, 2021, in the e-Conference “Social exclusion, vulnerable groups and the new EU Social Rights Pillar”

10 January 2021

Publication of the Chair’s fifth book, titled “A Jean Monnet Experience in the University of Macedonia”

5 December 2020

The Jean Monnet Chair participated, on December 2nd, 2020, at the On-line Conference organized by the GreekSerbian Chamber of Commerce of Northern Greece on the Economic Impact of the COVID-19 in the Balkan Countries

26 July 2020

Publication of the Chair’s latest book, a three-volume analysis by the Chairholder, Professor Dimitrios Skiadas, titled “Audit Bases in EU Budgetary Governance”